Monday, January 21, 2008

Signing Time

Signing Time is a huge hit in my house! Jasmine (3) is totally in love with the series and we are all learning so much.

Love it! Love it! Love it!

Lily usually signs when she wants to ask me something and not have anyone else hear. =)

Jasmine signs for fun. Right now she makes up her own signs for words that she hasn't learned yet. It's pretty funny to watch.

Rosie likes to try and sign along with us. =) She waves her hands around in the air. She does this a lot when we sing/sign the ABCs.

And Mom (me), actually has fun watching and listening to the videos as well.

Jasmine likes to watch these over and over but it doesn't seem to bother me. I just sing right along. (and sign a little).

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