Thursday, March 27, 2008

Jasmine and Signing Time

Signing Time just had auditions for a new baby signs video. All you had to do was record your child signing certain signs and send it in. Jasmine had a lot of fun doing this so I thought I would post it here as well. It's nothing fancy at all. Just my cutie pie.

I'm a FLYbaby!!!

Hi to any fellow FLYbabies out there! *waves*

I just started flying. It's been about 2 weeks now and things are going pretty good. My sink is still shining! =o) I love waking up to that!

School is going smoother now too. I love it.

I'm still working on decluttering. The downstairs is pretty much done but now I need to start decluttering upstairs.

If you have absolutely no idea what I am talking about then go check out the Flylady. She pretty much helps people (us unorganized people) get control of their lives, the CHAOS in our homes.