Saturday, January 19, 2008

A look at year one...

Last year (3rd grade) was our first year homeschooling. Better late then never right? I'm just glad we finally made the decision to do it! It was definitely a learning experience for us. In fact, it is still and always will be a learning experience. =) I'm still not totally comfortable with our routine. But I'm hoping that blogging it will help me work it out.

Curriculum used -

Saxon Math 3 - So far I like this curriculum. There are things I had to skip.... like doing the calendar every day and we only did one side of the worksheets. But it worked for us.

Story of the World 1 - Ancient Times - We are really enjoying this book. History is one of Lily's favorite subjects. She remembers so much of it. It just amazes me because I never really cared for history, until now, now I really like it. =) We also have the activity guide and my daughters love doing the coloring pages while I'm reading to them. Yes, my 3yr old also has to have her own coloring page. I look forward to continuing on to the Middle Ages!

Sonlight Science 3 - Introduction to Biology - My daughter really enjoyed science this year. Of course this is her absolute most favorite subject. =o) She really liked reading Usborne's Mysteries & Marvels of Nature. The TOPS experiments were a big hit as well, even for Jasmine (3). Jasmine enjoys watching the Discover & Do dvd and pretending to do the experiments.

LLATL - Learning Language Arts Through Literature (yellow) - This went just ok for us. I really like the sound of it but when it came down to actually just wasn't the right approach for us.

Oh, I'm drawing a blank right now.... what else did we do last year? hmm....

We used a 3rd grade Health workbook. But I can't seem to remember the name of it.

Art - (drawing another blank) It taught color shading. We did it off and on. But it was only fun a handful of times. I'll try to look up the name a different day. It's too late to go digging through the closet right now.

I might be missing something, I'm not really sure. Also remember that this was our first year homeschooling. When Jasmine gets to 3rd grade this will probably look completely different. In fact I know it will. For one, she will start SOTW1 in at least 1st grade.

One really important thing I learned this year is to always make extra copies, or buy extra supplies so that the younger child can do the activity along with their older sibling!!! Well, that may not be the case for everyone else but it definitely was the case here.

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