Sunday, January 20, 2008

Parenting With Rosie

I've been having some issues lately with Rosie. I guess, really, they are my own issues. Oh, I don't know.

Issue #1
She's 1.5 and she still nurses constantly. It sure seems like it's all the time. And I kinda want my body back. =( kinda. I believe in child led weaning. So I don't want to force her to stop but I do want her to cut back on how many times she nurses in a day. But not stop all together, I don't think. Although, I still wouldn't have my body back. =) Hey, I can never make up my mind of what I want.

So right now when Rosie wants to nurse I try offering her a sippy cup of milk or water. It works sometimes...but mostly not.

I guess in a way she is already weaning herself. There are many times that she wants to nurse and then stops after like 5secs because something else caught her attention. This usually annoys me. Because I sat down and got all ready just for her to wonder off right away. I'm thinking now though, that I need to stop getting annoyed. That's the process of her starting to wean from some feedings. Right?

My older two weaned themselves right around a year. So this is all new to me. And while I have no problem with still nursing her, I just wish it wasn't so often.

Issue #2
Oh, and I have another issue with my little Rosie Posie. =o) I can't seem to get her into her own bed. Argh! The two oldest slept with me until they were, oh, 5 months, and then switched into their own beds with no real problems. But not this one! Nope. When I try putting her in the crib she screams like I am torturing her!!!! So I set up the playpen next to my bed. In hopes that I can transition her into that. Nope. If she falls asleep in my arms and I attempt to put her in the crib or playpen, she wakes up. She can tell/feel when I bend over and hold her out to lay her down. =o(

So I'm thinking, that I just need to buy a bunk bed really soon. (for my youngest two). Then when she falls asleep in my arms I can lay her down in that bed. Or if I lay down with her in the bunk bed, nurse her and wait til she falls asleep before getting up, maybe that will work? This is how she goes to sleep in my bed.

Any advice or encouragement out there? I would love to hear it!

I guess I should point out that I don't agree with letting her 'cry it out'. Especially when she will just SCREAM the whole time. (I know that's what my mom would tell me to do. =) so mom, please don't comment. he he ).

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