Tuesday, July 29, 2008


(from an email my mom received)

My five-year old students, are learning to read.

Yesterday one of them pointed at a picture in a zoo book and said,

'Look at this! It's a frickin' elephant!'

I took a deep breath, then asked...

'What did you call it?'

'It's a frickin' elephant!

It says so on the picture!' And so it does...


' A f r i c a n Elephant '

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wordless Wednesday


So my girls are currently all outside playing. I'm upstairs in my room when I hear the front door open, then Jasmine's voice travel up the stairs "Momma, is Santa Clause real?"

WHAT!?! She's only 4 (barely), who in the world is telling her that he's not real!

I dart to the top of the steps as fast as I can to say, "Of course he's real! Who's talking about Santa anyways?"

I race outside and set the kids straight. ;)

Then I looked at Jasmine and I asked,
"You get presents every year at Christmas from Santa don't you?"
"See, he's real."

I think she was fine with that. You know, if momma says he's real then that means he's real. After all, I know more then little kids. :)

That just really irritates me!

Kids need to know not to spoil it for the little ones!

My husband happened to see Santa at work today (not in a Santa outfit). So he took a picture with his phone. I plan on showing the picture to Jasmine tomorrow. :)

Saturday, July 19, 2008


My little Rosie-Posie recently celebrated a birthday. Ah, my sweet, bratty baby girl is now two years old.

Here she is wearing her birthday hat.

Birthday Hat

Just Kidding!

What can I say about this little girl? Well, she's starting to come out of her shell a little more. She enjoys playing with the neighbor kids. She'll now give some of them hugs and let them hold her. She has started to talk a little more. Yesterday she put three words together (instead of the usual two) to say "Momma helpa me". :) She absolutely loves her big sisters! In fact, they haven't been her the past couple of days and I can tell that Rosie misses them. First thing in the morning these last two days she got out of bed, went into the hallway and started calling "Me-me". (Me-me is what she calls Jasmine). Awwww. That really made me smile.

Well, enough of that. Here are some more pictures.

Her yummy birthday cupcakes...

Elmo Cupcakes

A pic of the three girls...

My Girls

I love this one...the birthday girl playing with one of her new toys.


Or perhaps just the box it came in! :)

New shoes...and a new BUG?

Here's my Lily...


Do you like her fancy new shoes? Hey, they even match her shirt!


She made those herself. Well, with a little help from her Grandmother! It was her history project for the week from Days of Knights and Damsels.

Here's a pic of Granddaughter and Grandmother...


and finally...

A very strange looking bug that I'm told "Just fell from the sky".


Anyone know what type of bug this is? Jasmine keeps telling us it's a caterpillar. :)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Just some thoughts...

I just finished reading The Latin-Centered Curriculum by Andrew Campbell.

Here are a couple thoughts....

First, I decided while reading the book that I would drop Wordly Wise 3000 from Lily's schedule. The book pointed out that if they are learning Latin they really don't need an additional vocabulary curriculum. Well, duh. Just wish I had thought of that before. Lily never really liked doing Wordly Wise anyhow and I don't think she was really learning the vocabulary. So, that was an easy decision.

My next thought was this - Self-Education. For Me!

I'm really looking forward to starting down this path. I have already requested How to Read a Book, and The Well-Educated Mind from the library. Those should be in within the week. Then I'm going to move onto A Student's Guide to Liberal Learning and A Student's Guide to the Core Curriculum (My library system has those as well. Yeah!).

I'm excited. Now I just hope that once I start reading the Great Books that I don't get overwhelmed right away and give up.

You know, I really need a Grammar/Writing course. Hmm. Are there any adults that go through the Classical Writing series? Or are there any other good adult programs. Maybe (and I know this sounds funny), but maybe I should do copywork from the Great Books. That seems so silly though. If kids can learn that way though then I should be able to, right?

Ah, well. I don't really need to worry about that right now. It's not like I have the extra money to run out buy something for myself. *pouts* No fair!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Signing Time freebie

I was over at Signing Time today and found this freebie...

Starting June 10th, Signing Time Summer School is in session! At the beginning of every week from June 10th to August 22nd, come to www.signingtime.com to download fun, interactive worksheets and Signing Time summer activities that will keep your child learning and exploring the wonderful world of sign language. From making tambourines so your child can dance along with ‘Move and Groove’ to making ice cream with ‘Everyday Signs,’ the Signing Time summer packet will exercise your child’s mind and help to keep them one step ahead all summer long.

Click here to go to the Summer Activities page.

They also have a Teachers' Page here. There they have some activity guides, a chart to track your progress and some other useful information.

Friday, July 11, 2008

History Copywork

I created some copywork pages to go along with History Odyssey 1 - Middle Ages using a Getty-Dubay font from Education Fontware. A lot of the quotes that I used came from Trivium Academy's SOTW2 copywork and other sources.

Here's a sample...

If anyone is interested you can download the pdf document here.

*Here's hoping that I'm allowed to post that document. If not, please let me know*

Our timeline book

I'm so excited about our timeline! What can I say, I'm one of those people that gets all excited over anything that I work hard to create. Yeah!

So of course I have to post pictures of my work. :)

When thinking about doing a timeline I decided that a book would work best for us. I decided that I liked the notebook timeline from Homeschool In The Woods the best. They have a whole page that shows pictures and gives directions on how to make many different types of timelines. The one I made is about have way down the page, number 2 under Creating a timeline notebook. I printed each time period on different colored cardstock. I also added the time period to the top right corner of each page. It took me awhile to figure out how to do this. :) But in the end, I made mine using Excel. I made four pages, one for each time period, and printed each sheet separately changing the date each time. Yeah!

Here's a few pics.

Here's a page from the Middle Ages printed on blue cardstock!
*warning - the enlarged photos are really large, not sure how to fix it*

And a page from Ancient Times printed on tan cardstock.

After Lily gets some of her timeline figures in the book I'll post more pics!

Getting Organized Part 2

After creating the daily folders, I know need to create a weekly schedule.

In my last post Getting Organized Part 1 I mentioned that we were using an excel form from donnayoung.com that we really liked. But, I wanted to come up with something that would help Lily stay even more focused. Lily is my motor mouth and she distracts herself (and every thing distracts her) so easily. So I decided that it would be nice to have some sort of daily schedule to put into each of her folders. Good idea huh? Well, I couldn't find anything I wanted online. You know what that means...do it yourself. I created this very basic chart that I could just change each week, print off, cut up and place in her daily folders. Yeah. (Oh yeah, I've been printing it on colored paper for a splash of color.)

See, a very basic form but it's really helping. This system works even better if I gather all of her books and set them in a pile next to her. :) The only thing that may be an issue is that I don't have a copy of her 'weekly schedule'. I kinda do, I have the copy on the computer. Currently I've been looking in her daily folder to see what exactly she needs to do. So I might create another form for myself. I'm thinking maybe a 2 child weekly form so that I can schedule some stuff for Jasmine all on the same form. There's a form over at donnayoung.com that looks like it might work. It's called Planner for Two Children.

I must say that I love her site. :) I also printed off a yearly calendar from her that I put in my binder. I highlighted our planned 'vacations' and then I just mark an X on each day that she's present. Tuh-dah, our fancy attendance form.

I then printed off *surprise* another form from her site. :) This one lists subjects across the top and dates down the side. Then after she completes a subject I put a check in the box for that date. This is a great visual for me. I can just glance at it and easily see how we're doing or if we're behind on doing a subject (like art).


This year-at-a-glance form at Smooth Stones Academy looks like it might be nice to create. Hmm, I think I'm realizing that I like seeing stuff in bright colors.

I suppose that's good for now.

Have a great day.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Getting Organized Part 1

I haven't exactly figured out how to organize our homeschool. So far I have tried something different each year. Let's see here...

For the first year I used The Homeschool Planbook. Which probably would have worked wonderfully except that I filled out the planner for the whole year, at the beginning. Yep, you guessed it. I set myself up for failure. As soon as we got behind in one thing it messed everything up. Then I would start feeling bad, and that voice in my head would start commenting about me not being a good enough homeschooler...blah blah blah.

So then I switched to just scheduling one week at a time. Which helped a lot. I used this lovely excel form for donnayoung.org. I really liked this form. I would type out Lily's schedule for the week and print it out. Then I would tape it up so that it was right there and easy to get to. Then when Lily when finish a subject she would put a check mark in the little box.

This was a great improvement on keeping Lily focused, but not perfect. Also, I was trying to type up the schedule on Sunday evenings. This process meant that I would pull out each book and see what she needed to do next and the page numbers then key it in. As you can see, it was still a lot of work for me to do each week. This was also the time that I made any copies that we needed for the week.

And that brings us to now. We have only been using this new method for almost 2 weeks now. But so far it has been working wonderfully! But before I tell you what I do....I must tell you where I got my info. :) I have visited many blogs and websites (and I mean MANY) and I took a little from here, and a little from there. So I will try to give credit as I go along.

The first thing I realized that I needed (from many ladies over on the WTM board) was to continue making a weekly schedule each week BUT have a master schedule for each subject first to pull the information from.

I hope I'm making sense! :)

So to make up my Subject schedules I used a blank schedule form from Core Foundations and typed in our lesson plans. I then printed it off and put it my teacher binder. (I put colored dividers in the binder for each subject).

Here's an example of our Latin schedule keyed into the blank schedule.

Phew! It took me forever to figure out how to post that image. Anywho...

Next I decided to create daily folders. So Lily would have one folder for each day of the week and in each folder she would have all the worksheets/handouts that she needed that day. Yeah! And it's working. Lily is staying focused, she doesn't have to get up (and distracted) quite as often. I got this great idea from Trivium Academy. I plan on getting this desktop organizer for the daily folders.

It's been awhile...

I'm behind on blogging but I guess that's pretty obvious. It's so hard to get it up and going. I still haven't decided what to put on my sidebars. They're looking a little bare. So here's another attempt to get going again. =)

We're all doing good, enjoying summer. You know, swimming and playing outside. Fun, fun.

Jasmine just recently got her hair cut. It's really cute, but... well, I miss her long spiral curls. =( The curls kinda disappeared. The back is just slightly wavy now, almost straight.

So, here's before

And here's after...

Well, the pictures aren't the greatest. Ah, just another thing to add to my to-do list [figure out how to take better pictures]. Yeah, no problem. *rolls eyes*

Here's another pic, just because I think it's cute.

Me & my girls