Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's been awhile...

I'm behind on blogging but I guess that's pretty obvious. It's so hard to get it up and going. I still haven't decided what to put on my sidebars. They're looking a little bare. So here's another attempt to get going again. =)

We're all doing good, enjoying summer. You know, swimming and playing outside. Fun, fun.

Jasmine just recently got her hair cut. It's really cute, but... well, I miss her long spiral curls. =( The curls kinda disappeared. The back is just slightly wavy now, almost straight.

So, here's before

And here's after...

Well, the pictures aren't the greatest. Ah, just another thing to add to my to-do list [figure out how to take better pictures]. Yeah, no problem. *rolls eyes*

Here's another pic, just because I think it's cute.

Me & my girls

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