Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Latin for Children

We finally started Latin for Children Primer A last week and we really enjoyed it. I bought it a couple months ago and kept meaning to start it. But....I was scared. Silly, I know. But it's true. I finally told Lily, "We are going to sit down and do Latin, no ifs, ands or buts about it!" So we did.....and I was AMAZED at how easy it was.

I had thought, that I would have to listen to the CD once, trying to remember the pronunciation. Then, teach the lesson. Boy was I (very happily) wrong! The first page 'Memory Work' of each chapter is completely chanted on the CD. AND the chant is catchy enough that you remember it.

I have been doing my own set of worksheets along with Lily. I figured that doing it this way I will be able to learn it too. Lily really enjoys having me do it all right along with her.

I even hear Jasmine doing the chants throughout the day. =o) She will also ask me for aqua when she's wanting some water. Or when she just wants to use the 'fun' new word she learned.

Down the road we want to learn Hindi. How do I decide how long to wait? A year? More? Oh, I just don't know about this. Eventually we'll also add in Spanish. Those are the plans in my head anyhow. =)

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